华为 苹果 智能手机 ,苹果三星华为表现为A(转载)">
苹果9310万部全球第一 三星9090万部 全球第二 诺基亚7730万部 全球第三
黑莓5250万部全球第四 HTC 4460万部全球第五
后五位是xg111net索尼全球出货2680万 LG 2330万 华为2000万 摩托罗拉1860万 中兴 1200万
1.APPLE - 93M, 19% - Grew unit sales strongly and grew profits strongly - Grade A
2.SAMSUNG - 91M, 19% - Grew sales explosively and made huge profits - Grade A+
3.NOKIA - 77M sales, 16% market share - lost sales massively and generated huge losses - Grade F-
4.RIM - 53M units, 11% market share - grew modestly and remained modestly profitable - Grade C+
5.HTC - 45M sales, 9% market share - grew unit sales strongly and made profits - Grade C
6.SONY - 27M sales, 6% market share - grew unit sales but was in and out of profits - Grade B-
7.LG - 23 M sales, 5% market share, grew strongly but made losses - B-
8.HUAWEI - 20 M Sales, 4% market share, grew explosively and made profits - Grade A
9.MOTOROLA (GOOGLE) - 19 M units, 4% share - grew modestly but continued big losses - D+
10.ZTE - 12M units, 3% market share, grew massively while making a profit - A-
二楼给出详细的太平洋在线太平洋在线下载android份额资料以及第四季度表现和android手机厂家占有率和Windows 手机厂家占有率排行
其中给出的全年表现以及预测 苹果三星华为都在A档华为 苹果 智能手机 ,中兴A-被评为2012最猛四品牌
索尼LG全球表现在B档 继续展开厮杀 HTC 黑莓出现衰退征兆被评为C档 摩托罗拉在D档华为 苹果 智能手机 ,诺基亚F档